Monday, April 22, 2013

Keeping up my hope (#1543)

There is nothing more gratifying like having had hope for something and then having that hope fulfilled. Even in small and insignificant ways can a hope fulfilled bring about a heightened happy experience. I was not able to access my Internet and was looking at a repair bill I could not necessarily afford but was going to have to afford anyway. Just so happens that hours before I was expecting my service person to access my liability for any needed repairs, the Internet service has begun functioning properly again. Which leads me to think that the problem is not with my wiring but instead with the service provided buy the carrier. Such little conclusions by myself seem insignificant and indeed it this one is but to me is is quite a breakthrough toward me hoping the problem would fix itself. I have other things on my mind today and waiting around between noon and 4 pm for a depressing assessment was not needed. My mother, who turns 80 in less than two months is going to be operated on for a new hip sometime after noon and that is where I want to be. I will still have to wait for the repairman to show, but at least I can send him on his way without having to fret over a cost for fixing something that is not my problem. As to my mother I am going to keep good thoughts in my head for her and when the surgery is complete be where my father needs me to be. Anyway, all little hopes and even sometimes big hopes that come around to being realized make this old boy a happy person. 

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