Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Still guilty of assumptions (#1530)

I suppose I must resign myself to the fact that I will continue to assume things when I know I should never do that unless it is the only option. I still catch myself making assumptions and then finding out I was wrong to do so, regardless of my good intention. By the way, I do not assume when my intent is bad because first, I avoid any bad intent and second, assuming would only be adding to a bad intent. However, my good intent assumptions are just as likely to disassemble a good intent. When I jump out into a situation or circumstance without being fully apprised of it then I am setting myself up for some type of lucky guess or failure. I can do better than lucky guess if I would only put more effort into being informed. Making something worse is even less attractive when that is not my intent, so realizing that I need to know and not assume is not a trial and error equation, it is a foundational principle. I know this but sometimes my exuberance to help or add to a worthy ideal gets confounded when I do not prepare myself with facts. All I can do is continue to strive to do better and in that effort I need to create a process by which I cannot engage a good intent effort without first crossing a threshold of appropriateness. I will work on that and hopefully my efforts will allow me to be a better advocate for principles that need all of us to defend and grow. We are human and will make mistakes but that does not excuse us from fixing the mistakes we make when we can. The learning never stops and for that I am grateful. 

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