Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tackling the subject of free speech (#1531)

This is one subject that has many of us with differing opinions. However many different opinions there are we still need some boundaries for what is allowable in a progressively civilized society. The days of grunts and groans as communication are far behind us and we show that with our present oral languages and the written words. In my view, we need to address the purpose for life to be able to establish what of any confines of speech we should construct. Certainly in a civilized society the manner we address and communicate with each other must reflect our principles. Are we an honorable species? Do we have the correct intent to our thoughts and actions? If we are to expect more and greater things from ourselves how can we imagine it without a positive outlook? It has been my conclusion that survival, curiosity and compassion make up our natural instincts. Everything else beyond those are learned behaviors we have accepted as part of our rationality. I choose to not accept anything else beyond my natural instincts and instead choose to grow and highlight them instead. If that is the case then my allowable speech should reflect my virtuous desire. Not one of us can keep a perfect paradigm over time, we all fail. However to strive to do a thing is more important than whether we fail in our attempts. If I am to truly reflect the persona I am I must find a way to communicate that through my writings and my speech as an example of how I want to be and how I hope others will be around me. The freedom to say anything at any time is ideal in an ideal world. We do not live in an ideal world so some self-restraint and legal restraint must be devised to help us to properly construct our world within the frame of the world we all share.

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