Saturday, May 11, 2013

Creative thinking while being honest (#1562)

Things are not what they appear to be. Especially when others tell us that, that is the way it is. Not everything is the way it is until we allow that to be. Life can be hard when there are limited options that are recognizable so that is why we must keep our minds working on ideas that are not normal. We have to release our imaginations to allow for alternative concepts to form. I know this is not easy especially when we are under time pressures and expectations from others to succeed at whatever it is that has us stalled. Yet, no other reality will exist if we accept what is without trying to change what is into something that is not what is. A tongue twister there but the idea is rock solid. We have to think outside our normal allowable understandings. How do we do that? Not so easy but we need to consider what others have done in similar situations to begin with. We need to know the the intent of the problem we are faced with and how we got into it. We need to know what mitigating circumstances have influenced us to the point of limiting our options. We need to reach out with the mindset of leaving no stone unturned for any and all resources our society allows us. And if all else fails we need to commit to ourselves a resolve to move forward despite whatever outcome prevails. I am a fighter by spirit and I know all of us are as well so keeping our integrity intact regardless of how circumstance and fate intersect into our lives is the key. Not all problems will have readily supplied solutions but we can press forward into life and occasionally surprise ourselves with heretofore unknown solutions. But only if we press forward with a clear mind bent toward honest thinking that doesn't limit our possibilities.

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