Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Expressing individualism (#1559)

I am so enjoying the later years of my life because I am not trying to impress anyone, not even myself. Sure I am critical of myself and I try to do things perfectly, lol, but when I am the only one who matters to me in what processes and outcomes become, I am easy to please. The stereotypes and cyclical fads of our society are not what drive me anymore. I care more about how I feel then I do about what anyone else thinks. I have a code today that sets the limits of my desires and wants within a very basic framework. I have no great allusions about expectations my mind conjures up as necessary. Instead I have great expectations that I will live a humble life doing as much good as I can to help our world be a better place. I am not the architect of our world but I can be a real difference maker in how I want myself and others to have a chance to be decent happy people. So back to expressing my individualism without reservation to the general acceptances of our day. I am a free spirit who happens to exist in a community of other free spirits. We all have the ability and the right to allow ourselves to express our own individualism regardless of our own limitations on what we think is acceptable. I am no one to obliterate sanity for the sake of doing it but I am one who questions the premise of what we conceive to be reality. I don't have to accept premises and theories that are not logical nor do I have to accept customs inculcated as facts. The freedom of my soul and my spirit lodges within the ability I have to reason, analyze and conclude without restrictions that deviate from the gamut of true omnipresent evidence into a restrictive vision only seen through a tunnel.

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