Wednesday, September 17, 2014

As we improve our knowledge we should change for the better (#2056)

Becoming more educated is a catalyst for having a more panoramic view of our existence. The more we learn the better we can be at dispelling the fear surrounding uncertainty. It is empowering having a mind that continues to refresh it's critical thinking possibilities. The day I stop learning what is new in the world is the day I cease to matter to myself. None of us ever arrives at a satisfied level of knowledge. We are in constant motion as are progressive revelations. The wonder and curiosity of our species is innate. It is part of what drives us to survive. Without our inbuilt sensors of sight, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching, we would only be a mass without a purpose. We are biological data driven beings. It is our nature to input information and then process it with our mental acuity. Learning is what allows us to distinguish between truth and falsehood, logic and fantasy. We have systems of protocols we have devised as a species over the existence of our recorded history. We manage to communicate through these systems so that we can share information we find relevant to our surroundings. Without the ability to learn we would all be in a perpetual state of chaos without understanding the significance of our will to survive. Why educational opportunities don't exist everywhere humans abide is a failing on our part to cultivate the nature of our existence. We need to have education as much as we need to have air, food, water etc... Anything that deviates from our having the most comprehensive educational system in history is an attempt to circumvent what is best for our species. Those who do circumvent our educational expansions have an agenda and it is not a noble one. Let us focus on what uplifts our species and not on what only satisfies our bottom line.

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