Monday, September 29, 2014

"We can do or we can teach, what's your pleasure?"-Deep Impact (#2068)

A sarcastic scripted line from the movie, "Deep Impact". I think of this line in the background of my thoughts because it so typifies what our human nature is all about. We are cautious in that we all want to know for sure that what we are doing is right but at the same time we lose the timing of effective action with delay. It is so important to understand the nature of our species. I put out that we care and that we wonder, two positive instincts that when in a perfect world would never fall short of greatness. However, we don't live in a perfect world and given our less than perfect thoughts we often allow cynicism to form our foundation before acting. It boils down to a less than constant level of trust we subscribe to each other. Instead of focusing on our unique individual abilities we are in a never ending cycle of just trying to manage our particular living requirements. That we all are in a mode of surviving is distinct in that we cannot find a way that allows us the freedom to move beyond our survival instincts. Yes, we need our survival instincts but as a tool for learning, not a device just for day to day living. We need to secure within our species the right to a basic healthy life so that the bigger problems that are challenging us can be our only focus. All of us are spending the capital of our ingenuity on the mundane instead of the complex. It is the struggle we are going through. Our species is held back by our own fears and greed. Two dynamics that are the major hurdles to a vision for our future that has no place for disrespect or dishonor without due cause. If we can ever get past the failures of our weaknesses and move into the reality of our strengths, that does action out of our better and best understandings, we can then let what we do be the example for teaching when the doing is done and the teaching time has come.

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