Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Cynicism does not fuel progress (#2055)

The parroting pundit class has nothing to offer but a bought and paid for message. Whatever the need of the wealthy is, it is more likely to be falsely offered as factual, than actual reality. The skewering of our 4th estate towards being more about propaganda and less about objectivity is as evident as the nose on my face. When some paid for spokesperson is passed off as an expert, above actual experts in many cases, then we know for sure that we are being lied to and manipulated by wealthy forces who mostly stay anonymous. Now there are pundits out there who are sincere in their conclusions and some of them are spot on. They have no hidden agenda nor a sugar daddy manipulating their convictions. How do we tell them apart? For me it is usually quite simple. How does the message they are propounding affect everyone. If the ideals of equal opportunity, justice and fairness are not front and center then the pundit is a shill and his message a ruse. If however the message is about protecting our planet or uplifting our citizenry then the pundit has captured my interest with their message. What bothers me just as much as a pundit with dishonest motive is a pundit who allows their cynicism to infiltrate the struggle for a better world. The old, things don't change or it can never happen, is disheartening to hear but also untrue. Things can change and they do more often than reported. Cynicism is a tool relied upon by those who would dissuade their proponents from engaging in whatever debate is obviously against their interests. Our nation has always had at it's core a spirit of fairness and honest intent. When we are being manipulated it hurts not only our character overall but teaches our youth that lying, cheating and stealing are not taboo. Cynicism does not propel us forward nor does it add to our necessary policy debates. It is just another method for compressing our spirits and making it harder to overcome our challenges.

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