Saturday, September 27, 2014

Without my heart my brain ceases to matter (#2066)

If someone ever tells you that you are too emotional it is absolutely incorrect. The person who is telling you that you are too emotional is the one with the problem, they are not emotional enough! We live for our emotions. Our emotions are what life is all about otherwise it wouldn't matter what if anything we did or do. It is our sense of care that defines the ultimate evolutionary level. Everything around us, as far as we can detect, outside the animal kingdom is a perfect example of a mind like existence without emotional attachment. Even a virus functions as a logical entity yet without an emotional component to reflect upon it's existence. Our emotions give us the perspective necessary to reinforce our own curiosity. My blog is all about our human nature. Generally, we all share this and for me it always boils down to care and curiosity with a shared sense to survive. Without emotion, the care would cease to exist in a uniquely human way, without emotion our curiosity would be more serendipitous than creatively motivated. Our emotion is the X factor that distinguishes human beings from all other forms of existence. Of this I have no doubt. I am not just a biological data processor through my five senses with a mental capability to analyze, reason and conclude. I also have a care for what I glean from our environment. It matters to me how I utilize information and the hierarchy of it's value. Sometimes I don't follow protocol as to higher value over less value. It is because my care for something or someone overrules logic and goes with my life acquisition of intuition, or gut feeling. I have the intuition based upon factors of trust, faith and some other paradigms I cannot easily describe. yet there it is. Without my heart my brain ceases to matter to me because my emotions are what define me as who I am and without my emotions I am just another virus moving about in a sea of other virus without individual character or personality.

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