Sunday, April 11, 2010

I am feeling the music (#436)

Tones and vibrations seem to have my focus. Music in other words. It is amazing how the wind and it's chiming effect against objects can be so powerful. We create our own musical sounds and record them to enjoy over and over. There are times when music is a distraction to me and I have no time for it. There are other times when everything else is a distraction when I am trying to listen to music. My inner self has an inconsistency of metabolic speed. I can be hurried or relaxed based upon some factor I cannot readily identify, except to say that it must come from my instinct to survive. Regardless, that will be a topic for another day, That I do have inconsistent inner speeds offers me an insight about when I "feel" the music. Rarely when I am strung tightly do I have any inclination to relax. When I am relaxed I rarely have an inclination to hurry. Music is a measure, for me, in determining my anxiety or lack of it. It is my wish to spend more time being in tune with the music, however the reality of life beckons me with all of it's chaos and intent. I have a balance or hierarchy of principles that will gauge my priorities and dictate to me when I need to shut down the music and focus solely on a problem or solution as is required. The music is a selfish act on my part to disassociate with current time, opting for a time-out instead. I am human and listening to music is not a negative trait. I suppose I consider it a time to charge my batteries for the next round of circumstances beyond my control.

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