Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Consistently persistent (#1678)

Manifest destiny if you like. The ability to continue on when continuing on is hard. That is the nature of the human species at the most primitive level. We have a need to survive in the face of any odds. It is in our DNA to do everything within rational, and at times, even irrational behavior to stay within this existence as who we are. It would also follow that the ideas and values we cling to would also have the same instinctual motivation as our own lives do. Now there are more than enough examples of people who compromise their principles in order to stay alive but nonetheless we do hold our principles up to a greater value than most temptations. Yet it would seem naive if I didn't admit that in today's era the trade off of our principles for some financial gain isn't the norm over not doing so. "My word is my bond" is less a factor in reality as our species should represent but there are still those who hold to it's merit. I look at life this way, come what may, with sleeves rolled up, is for sure an ideal worthy of advocating for but in too many cases, come what may has so many other implications that sacrificing one's principles in order to keep chaos outside of our lives is more in tune with how we view our existences. Sadly, we learn to compromise in areas that need no more ground lost instead of needing more ground gained. This is where our consistency of purpose will benefit us. As long as we recognize the battles we can fight and endure, we can make back ground previously lost. We don't need to sacrifice our present existence to be forthright in our knowledge of troubled areas. We just need to never lose focus of our perpetual persistent need to make our world better wherever and whenever we can.

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