Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Inevitably the inevitable happens (#347)

To deny time it's existence is to deny that I am alive. Yet I have done this so many times in my life it is amazing that I am still alive. Keeping my head buried in the sand (metaphor) because I was unable to face reality was shamefully an act of cowardice. What is it to say that I was so concerned about myself and what I thought reality should be that I would ignore true reality because I could. Childish behaviour comes to mind, willful stubbornness based upon inaccuracy of thought, this list does not expose a very good example of how to deal with life on life's terms. I am still able to stray from the principles of honor and goodness from time to time but only for a moment and then my need to be in the true nature of things helps me back to where I need to be. I have found that when I am defending the right in a position or the good of any circumstance my ability to defend it has unlimited energy. The gift of keeping myself in a state of selflessness is a strength I could never attain through selfishness or alternative drug taking. The power I feel when I am doing what I know in my heart of hearts is right is amazing beyond the word amazing. The sensations that exist within me are best felt when I am defending truth and justice with all my soul. I have found the secret to living a great life. It is to defend the right and good in life.

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