Saturday, January 9, 2010

Where is my faith (#344)

I am such a fragile human being. I like to think that I am in charge of many things in my life yet I act contrary to those ideals that I know are better for me. I am not wasting myself but rather not improving myself when I know I can. I suppose it is in my nature to procrastinate sometimes when I am not seriously focused. I have had a head cold with high blood pressure as a complication. It appears that I am not as focused as I need to be. I am still making decisions for myself and any use of distraction is beneath me. I hold myself to such a high standard. lol. I am a little perturbed with myself regardless. It is in my best interests to act upon the ideals I hold dear with consistency. No excuses when decisions that need to be made, need to be made correctly. For the most part my life is going well and I should take some pride in the fact that I am living to be the best person I can be. My faith is where it needs to be, with me. I am just not always there for my faith, which is something that I can improve upon.

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