Sunday, November 21, 2010

Eliminating fear (#660)

The recorded history of our species seems to go back 30 to 40 thousand years. In all that time no one person or group has been able to establish peace while eliminating human on human fear. We come into this world with no idea why we are here and what we are confronted with varies from love to hate, from value to expendable. There is no continuity to how we live our lives since we are subjected to human forces that would abuse and harm us on a regular basis. Is it just me or are we a bit slow on the uptake of what progress should mean? Is it not obvious that a purpose everyone could embrace would be for us to establish a society that eliminated fear, at least from ourselves to ourselves? This planet and the Universe it is within offer enough anxious moments. Why have we not been working on a way for us to be free from fearing ourselves? Certainly there is some advantages to being a fear based society. We can let our baser instincts dominate our lives for the sake of avarice, power and domination. This has been going on in one form or another since the time of humans. It is a wonder that our minds are wasted on the things that serve no great purpose for us all and the generations that follow. It is a bit embarrassing to be a member of the human race and have history record that we allow fear to permeate our society without making the purposeful goal of eliminating human fears upon each other. This is something that we can control. The one thing that most likely is stopping us from making our society less fear based is our own fear of doing it. Fear cannot be eliminated in totality as long as there is an unknown  in our lives. But the knowns need not be feared.

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