Thursday, November 18, 2010

Raising the bar (#657)

The importance of meeting new people has tremendous advantages. Opportunities to learn of different and previously unknown cultural eccentricities can broaden our perspectives. I know of no one who could not benefit from having broader perspectives. Even opening up to the people we do know to learn more about them could as well help broaden our perspectives. The point being that in new and old relationships there are insights that can be gained to help us live better and more fruitful lives. In one particular way, what I am referring to is being able to motivate and push ourselves by seeing that same paradigm in others. When others push themselves to greater achievements it can have an attractive effect on us as well. We may not embrace what is being achieved by others as a priority in our own lives but we can appreciate the desire to achieve. The desire or raising the bar in how we look at what we want to achieve is the point. If all we have is what we know as to how to push ourselves toward our goals then we will be limiting our expectations. Some are born with a metabolism to achieve great results but most are just trudging along with the weight of the desired hoped. When I see other people pushing themselves toward a goal that is amazing if achieved then I as well wish to enlarge my own hope beyond a limited hope toward a greater and more substantial one. In other words, why settle for a slice of bread when the whole loaf can be gained. Then why settle for the loaf of bread when the bakery can be gained. Raising the bar in my life is not something that happens for me on it's own, I need others in my life that help me see that wanting more of a good thing is better than wanting less.

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