Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How do we show we care? (#656)

Care about what? Anything. It is in how that we respond to any situation that is within our ability to effect. How, the operative word. First, what is our motivation for even responding? If the motivation to respond has any selfishness to it then further thought is required before deciding to respond. If there is no selfishness involved and no harm can be seen, then responding in an affirmative way is appropriate. Our motivations to care must come from what is known to us as being helpful. Not all things seen to be helpful, are helpful in reality. Thought, and confirmation of giving help is sometimes necessary. What is most important is that the help or care must be given from our hearts. The best kind of care or help that can be given is unconditional. With no expectation of something in return. A noble concept that has only the best intent of high principled action. We all have a duty to be the best human we can be if we are to survive in a society that demands these natures and principles from us. I have long held the idea that the best way to happiness is to be selfless. In other words, do things for others instead of doing things only for yourself. What is the purpose of being alive? We have all asked ourselves this question at some time in our lives, well the purpose is to be ready, willing and able to experience what we have here in the best possible way. I know I did not answer the question but I do not know anyone who can. In the meantime, we must make the best of our world and treat each other like the gift to life we are and make the best of our uncertain existence. We show we care in how we help and treat each other when help and treat are truly needed.

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