Sunday, November 7, 2010

Occam's Razor and the American Experiment (#646)

Elementarily put, "The simplest explanation is more likely the correct one."-Wikipedia. Whenever there is some doubt to most anything, always revert to your common sense or the most logical explanation. Doing this is not enough however, further investigation or research is still required. We have to be able to negotiate the reality we live in with our own ability to find truths were we can. The days of relying on some statesman/woman or some talking head is over. Never before has the crucial decisions we face been more important for us to understand. We are at a pivotal point in the evolution of our country and perhaps our world as well. The fits and starts of the progress we make as a species has been the hallmark of our time in existence. Our American history tells us that we are not a rationally contiguous society. We often take a step back after taking two steps forward. It has been our destiny so far though to continue forward despite our irrationality. Our greatest obstacles have been ourselves and some perceptions that are advanced with little to no benefit except to those who can make the perceptions appear to be correct. This is why I write this post today. It is an effort to have us all examine what is being promoted as what is needed for our health and welfare. We must all get up to speed and that won't happen unless we all engage in the necessary considerations of logic and human dignity. Nothing should be considered sacred when looking at how things work and how they could work better. There are new and novel ways at looking at things that go beyond what our history has provided. It is our destiny to shape and form a more perfect union as our founders had hoped we would.

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