Monday, October 8, 2012

Facing our fears (#1347)

It doesn't matter what it is that has us frightened, we are alive and have great abilities. We need to learn to not only trust our own sense of courage but we must also embrace the fact that we are the most competent forms of life on the planet. With that knowledge there is nothing that we cannot overcome, furthermore, even accept with a sense of grace. It is all the negative vibrations some send out to stir up the fear that we try to subdue in our lives and shame on those who do that. Life is a battle of sorts and if you are not on the side of improving life then you are against it. Within all of us is the notion that what we don't know is scary. However, we can look at that differently. Being scared is an option not a given. When the unknown around us is thrust into our immediate senses, we don't need to withdraw with baited breath, we can stand firm and observe what it is about the unknown that challenges our emotions. Becoming aware and learning of those things that have long been attached to heightening our fear, can allay that fear so that our courage to be curious can rightly invoke itself. Whether it is the little things like spiders or snakes, or the fear mongering some of we humans do to each other to move our minds toward some power they hope to achieve, we must always remember that fear is a choice. When we let fear overtake our actions we have thus effectively abdicated our right to follow our normal individual and communal life course. Fear should never be the obstacle for determining who we are and if those who prey upon elevating fear have their way, you will never have the life you most richly deserve.

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