Saturday, October 13, 2012

Our passions live within us (#1352)

We own ourselves. Seems like a simple enough statement, yet many feel as if they are trapped by the previous choices, afraid to change that which has them bound. Well, I for one know what that feeling is like, however, I have had to chnge a few times because life happened around me and I couldn't control the outcomes. Having lived through those forced changes has made me realize that I can break away from bounds that I have placed upon myself. Knowing that I will survive and live as me still, regardless of how things have changed around me is most empowering. I can live as me without having to feel trapped by circumstance. Today, I am in such a state of living that my passions are what bind me and that my friends is exactly where I want and need to be. I do not go to sleep or wake up to the oppression of prevailing wrong choices in my life. I have not bound myself to some concept that is less than my hopes and dreams. There is no chain on my life as I pass through this existence that cannot be easily broken without causing anyone around me any harm. I feel freedom like I have never felt freedom before, and what do I want to do? My passions tell me to be of service to those who are in need of some help. I am a taker carer of sorts and it is what revitalizes my soul and puts smiles in my heart. I can be me without asking for a by your leave from anyone. Now that is the passion that lives within me and certainly the passion I hope all of us can find.

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