Sunday, October 14, 2012

For some acquiring principal (money) is a code of conduct (#1353)

Too many in society are easily confused into believing that principal made from money, or less so labor; is the same thing as having an honorable virtuous code of conduct (principles). The words sound the same but are miles apart on the definition continuum. For most of us we can distinguish between the chase for riches; and the richness of thought and action with which we live our lives. I am all for the barter system and of course we need some form of exchange like what a common currency offers, however, what I am not for is a mindset or philosophy that attaches greater significance to greed than it does to common decency and respect for life. I just don't have it in me to disregard others for the sake of my own selfishness. It is not how I have learned to live a rewarding life. Money has it's place but not even near the top of the priorities that should come before it. Principles for living, I have mentioned these many times in past posts and they refer to justice, equality, sacrifice, sharing and other such noble undertakings that bring warmth to one's heart and satisfaction to one's soul. Every day should be Christmas as an example of the feelings one should have. Not just one day a year but all days a year. I am a positive natured man for a reason, because it is the right way to be. I like laughter and smiles, they bring such contentment to my life. No amount of money could do that because I know that everything has an inverse effect and if I am being selfish about taking more than I need someone else is left with less than they need. The law of proportionality is real, whenever a constant is in effect both sides are inversely affected. In our finite world with limited resources, those few who hoard more are keeping many more subject to less. 

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