Friday, October 12, 2012

Taking short cuts (#1351)

There are so many things going on in our lives and finding ways to learn about them is not easy when we have so many responsibilities. So what do we do? We take the course of least resistance, because our time is valuable, and listen to those we think are reputable or in line with our moral, political, religious and economic thinking. The trouble is that not all of our likes are in line with each other. We have conflicts on some issues and not on others. We all have to struggle in this way. However, one thing we cannot and must not do is allow our beliefs to carry us forward when those beliefs are in conflict with reality. It is incumbent upon us to doubt things we don't readily see as true. It has become a conditioned response to accept things that are just a bit dubious since we are all a lit bit of a gambler, but the problem is that once we start accepting little untruths as true, we begin to accept bigger untruths as true because we have lost our footing in what is true. We even get to the point where we actually are so confused about what is actually true we begin to disbelieve the truth when it does show up. In short, we have slipped a little from facts toward slipping a lot from facts. We have given in to the dynamic that if we just follow along with others who we know and respect, we can get by okay without having to carry the intellectual heft needed to define who we are and how we want to live. Taking short cuts is not a long term strategy as in the end you end up not being able to defend to yourself what you have done with your life. Find the time to inform yourself about who you are and what you want out of life. If settling for something is your best, then question why you do not want more!

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