Sunday, October 7, 2012

We need to do more than just exist (#1346)

Here is my outer space spiel again. It has been awhile since I have commented on it. Our natures are not sedentary. We have a gusto about us that exemplifies movement. First, we are not like the plants, trees and things of a rooted nature. We are mobile and active in our purpose. Second, we have senses that are for detecting information and a mind as a mechanism for reasoned logical gathering in conjunction with our transitory physical abilities. We were born to progress from place to place and that is not disputable. Hence our need to explore beyond our own known boundaries. The smart thing to do is to have as much understanding of our own physical earthly environment while making opportunities available for us to go out beyond our now limited sphere. It does seem that we are reaching that paradigm yet I wonder if there are not too many forces within our species who have not come to the conclusion that we need to reach out beyond what is already known. There are numerous among us who have concluded that a God does not want us to do more than what we are capable of in the area of moving out beyond our planet. Religious indoctrinations have skewed understandings toward a monastic lifestyle, where contemplation on divinity and reverence are all, is all that matters. We are not sedentary like some would have us believe through ideology. Practicality and pragmatism negate such notions. We may exhibit principles enshrined within all religions while also following our natural proclivity toward information gathering and applying that information toward our constant movements, which include exploring out beyond the scope of our present habitation.

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