Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lying is legitimized for profit (#1374)

What kind of society do we want for ourselves? If my statement is correct and lying is utilized to increase profit, then why not lie to persuade outcomes in other endeavors? It would be discriminatory to allow only lying in economics and not allow it in politics, religion, philosophy, history, even in the varying levels of our social order. Once the slippery slope of justifying the use of lying is condoned, we cannot stop the flow of it into other paradigms without creating a disconnect between why we allow and it why we don't allow it. The logic doesn't follow. We could lie about the logic but then how would we ever be able to distinguish between a lie and the truth? It would seem that we should as a society on whole banish lying from our processes. How do we do that? By exacting punishments for lying that have a real consequence. The best way our society has for a future of promising equal opportunities is to create an atmosphere of honesty. An honesty that can be counted upon as fact and not disturbed and compromised by willful manipulated dishonesty. The only ones who benefit and profit from lying are the ones who would thieve and cheat. Why would we encourage such behavior unless we are not principled enough in our own virtues to care? No amount of wishful hoping will change what is now a staple of our society. We must take an active role in what we allow the liars to perpetrate upon us. We cannot do nothing and expect things will change for the better without our involvement. Whenever we confront lies we must call attention to them, even if the lies benefit us, because if lies do benefit us, then we are the ones who are perpetrating the hoax on society. Is that who we are? 

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