Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fear will steal time and your will from you (#1371)

When you let fear overcome your ambitions or desires, you have given up not only time but your will as well. We only have our own time and will that is all ours so giving up our time and will leaves us with a dead space in our lives. Why does fear control us so dominatingly? We allow it is why. We don't try to push past it and accept our path as honest and true. We decide instead to doubt our intent and let others critique that which is only truly understood by ourselves. It is a character flaw in that we don't admire our own character enough to trust it. Some lesser behaviors and patterns of lesser behaviors have become second nature to us out of some consistent depressing default acceptance. We have let ourselves believe that we are not worthy to fight for our own realizations. Remember, we only live once and each of us has the gift of deciding our own fate, outside of any influence that may come to bear. When we are at the age of maturity, we are given the awesome responsibility and duty to make ourselves a part of society that encourages freedoms and equalities. We should pursue those things that reward not only our own ambitions and desires but that positively affect others. Taking the inner perspective to categorize what is best about ourselves and defending it with courage is easier done than to be drawn down from a principled stance by manipulations of fear. Once we get used to standing for ourselves and protecting our right to stand the easier it gets when others would force their way into knocking us down as their strategy. I love knocking aside those who bully and bombast rhetorical inanities in order to thwart us from our place in life, where our time and will operate freely from us.

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