Thursday, January 2, 2014

Courage is a choice (#1798)

I hear this a lot, I don't have the courage like some others do. When I do hear this I am taken back to the times when I did the same thing. Thinking that courage is something within us or not. However, I have found that courage is always within me but many times it must be summoned up. I also found that never has any time come when I couldn't have chosen to be courageous. The operative word here is "chosen". I get to choose to be either indifferent or cowardly or courageous. Sometimes even a bit of a mix of all three. But choose I do and if I want fear to stop me all I have to do is allow the scared Carl to show himself. Yet, now that I know that courage is a choice and not some genetic gift, I find that being courageous is my first default. A personal insight into me. I have always been the type who wants or needs, depending how you analyze me lol, to lead. I have the old explorers mindset about life and nothing I can do will ever change that so naturally I want to be at the forefront of new horizons. For some reason in my early learning years I failed to understand that fear is in all of us and those who handle their fears with courage live lives that bring about confidence and maturity. I failed at understanding the simple idea that courage was and is a choice. My life was as expected confusing and chaotic when I was younger as I had these two conflicting attributes, explorer type and less than courageous type. Since I pieced the puzzle of courage being a choice together with my curious wanting to know ways, I have found a steady peaceful path that genuinely reflects who I am. Let my hard life lesson help you along your life path if it parallels what I have been through.

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