Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Widening income inequality must be reversed (#1797)

I think it is appropriate that my first post of the 2014 new year is about the great scourge of income inequality. Politics aside for a moment, that our society has allowed for the economy to dictate the majority of reward to those who have the most is disheartening. It shows a lack of character in our laws that should reflect promise for all of it's citizens and not just those wealthy who can afford to influence legislation in their favor. Apparently the moment is over since I am now delving into the politics. Income inequality has now boiled down to a difference in how the two major parties address their particular policies. Democrats wish to slow and reverse the policies that make income inequality possible, while Republicans maintain that income inequality is not an issue and wish to continue policies that widen income inequality even more. there is a distinctly different view maintained by each party and depending on how income inequality is quantified, this issue will more than likely be the lead issue in the next election come November. The simple Republican logic for continued income inequality is that the market, and survival of the fittest should decide such things. The simple Democratic logic against widening income inequality is that when the vast majority, at least 80% of Americans, have little to nothing in the way of economic freedom or economic value, the middle class is destroyed and a two tiered society of those who have a lot and those who have very little emerges. What else is predictable and in real time happening, democracy is being replaced from "we the people" to a more plutocratic corporatist system, where the wealthy and large corporations control our laws and further the loss of community power attained by "we the people" as a whole.

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