Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My spirituality evolves with each new scientific discovery (#1880)

What is so fascinating to me is the knowledge I get to accumulate. I have said here so many times that one of my main natural instincts is to be curious and learning new information is like breathing for me. That said, I am also caring, my other main natural instinct. Which brings me to my spirituality. I have a sense about where and how my caring derives, it is founded upon my feelings of emotion and intuition. I cherish these emotions and intuition because they have brought out in me a satisfaction of being good that is like no other sensation I experience. All of this to segue to my statement in the title, that my spirituality evolves with knowledge. I am not historically a religious person. I had been involved with religion at times in my life but not in the way that dispels any doubt about it. I have come to realize that despite not being bound to a religion, I am nonetheless a spiritual being. I don't hold to dogmas and rituals that enable myths and superstitions as a replacement for the unknown, instead I welcome the unknown as another part of the way I understand my own spirituality. As my mind adds and subtracts opinions, theories and facts, I remain in a constant state of knowing that life, time and space are beyond my own absolute understanding as I am today. This is my truth about this existence and my place within it. There has only been one enlightened idea that I can say with certainty, and that is that my natural instincts are the foundation for who I am and how I live. I must, as the law of being me, continue to learn what I don't know and care about all that exists. That is my spirituality and this life has given me more than I will ever realize in my own mind given the shortness of the time I will have here.

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