Sunday, October 8, 2017

Finding blame instead of finding solutions (#3173)

     The trumps are at it again. They don't seem to understand that Obamacare is an outline for which health insurance companies are made to be responsible. Without the outline health insurance companies are free to make their decisions based solely upon economics instead of factoring in the human quotient. So this latest call by the trumps to democrats to somehow join with them to destroy Obamacare is not only against the principles of the democratic party but is a direct call to harm and kill people. The republican mind is scary in that they don't care as much about people as they do about their own financial success. Where greed and selfishness are the higher calling with them.
     You can see it in their religious beliefs as well. They don't adhere to the Christian teaching of love thy neighbor nor help the poor and sick. They have instead turned those ideals on their head and now castigate their neighbor and revile the poor and sick. The republican jesus they serve is a mean nasty brutish one who has no relation to the supposed middle eastern man of 2000 years ago. The republican party has found that by bastardizing the bible in a way to interpret it how they want to they can pretend to be Christian while neglecting the truth Christianity portends to offer. Making claims about their new Christianity that has swept up the rest of the true believers in a trap they cannot seem to extricate themselves from.
     The sad truth is that many religious sects are now just platforms from which corrupted men can control less informed believers. It is at such a point that to be affiliated with religion makes me suspect the whole idea of faith and grace as just illusions to ensnare the gullible. Not all believers in a god or a religious ideal are gullible or uninformed but it does beg the question of the necessity of the belief if we are just used as pawns in a game beyond our intent. I am one not affiliated with any religion nor have I any belief in a god. However I do live an honorable life without the need for someone else to tell me how to do it. I look for solving solutions instead of finding blame. I do call out the nefarious ones but not because I hate them but because I love the rest of us.

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