Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Why does it have to happen to you before you realize it is wrong? (#3168)

     I am always satisfied when I see or here about someone who was against some common sense policy reverse course and then support the common sense policy. But all too often it is because they are victims or are personally associated with the adverse effects of the policy they previously supported. Why does it take some personal or direct cause for us to see the error in our judgment? Take for instance the recent mass murder in Las Vegas where a member of a band that was playing realized that his lack of support for gun safety legislation was wrong after witnessing what can happen without gun control. Why does it have to take being in a disaster for us to see what a disaster can do?
     Although I am grateful the young man realized the mistaken choice he made previous to the slaughter, it shouldn't take a slaughter for anyone to understand the devastation one creates. I know that putting my hand in an open flame will cause me harm and pain so I don't do it. That logic is contrary to our current policies of allowing allowing people, especially unstable people, to buy and own weapons that are not made for civilized society. These weapons are made for battlefields in the event the military needs them, not for citizens who can abhorrently take lives of others at a moments notice. I would think that the republican party would at least know this much that allowing automatic weapons to infiltrate our society without so much as a check on who is doing the owning is wrong on so many levels that the idea of it would be absurd to them, yet it is not!
     So instead of using basic simple logic and saying no to allowing free rein to anyone who wants a military grade weapon at their disposal and putting our society at risk in the public square, republicans choose not use the basic simple logic. So in light of that I can only conclude that our safety is secondary to some imagined right for the populace to have weapons of mass destruction at the ready. I could also assume that since most republican politicians take enormous amounts of campaign contributions from the gun lobby that they are not prone to advocating against the gun lobby's wishes. It is cowardice and stupidity that republicans operate under and until we decide to vote them out of office, there will be more mass murdering terrorists committing slaughters in our future.

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