Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Society has a duty to all it's citizens otherwise what's the point? (#3189)

     We must all be able to see the larger picture. Life is not about constant struggle and suffering at the expense of a few who would be kings and queens. Life is about community and partnership in all ways that make for more opportunity and involvement. We are not born into this world to become the servants of others as a rule. We are born into this world to be part of it's existence in purposeful ways otherwise why be part of a system that will not recognize or help us move beyond being conveniently ignored and expendable? Democracy is the framework for bringing all into our better purpose yet there are those now who control our democracy that are abusing it. They are not selfless leaders bent on improving the human condition for all but instead they are selfish leaders bent on improving the human condition for some and making life harder for everyone else.
     So as we all look at the bigger picture of what society should be like, we must remember that we have other options. We can get involved in our politics and vote like it is the most sacred gift we possess and elect those who see society as a framework for improving all life or we can take our society and change it by any means possible if we are denied our rights under the current political leadership. It is our responsibility as American citizens to honor the intent of our national constitution and it's amendments. We are not done perfecting our union and until we stop the current charade of leadership in our nation's capitol we won't get that chance.
     What I mean by the last part of the title of this particular blog, "otherwise what is the point?" is that the point of society is to bring us together and bond us to each other. If that bonding is not a factor in this current society then this current society ceases to provide it's core responsibility. I won't be washed up in the illusion of a democracy because of habit or what I may lose, because I will lose much more if I don't fight to keep our society open to all of it's citizens, not just some privileged ones. When one of us is bullied by those in power we all are bullied and if we don't all stand up for the one who is it won't be long before the cowardly slippery slope of the allowed bullying finds it's way to each of us. Democracy demands that we protect each other from attack and if we don't then we have failed to uphold the genesis of democracy.

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