Monday, October 9, 2017

The dishonesty of the republican party (#3174)

     Nothing new here. They have been dishonest since I can remember being somewhat politically aware. Which was just after the Eisenhower administration. There has been nothing of value that republicans have offered since my early age accept nixon creating the EPA, The Environmental Agency, which now is antithetical to today's republican party. However nixon gets nothing from me on his accomplishment since it were stolen at a cost of thousands of deaths of American soldiers for his treasonous act to subvert the peace process in Vietnam by colluding with officials in Vietnam to keep the war going,
     reagan lied about the effect of trickle down economics being a boom for our economy when it was actually designed to bust our economy, Much like today as trump and his acolytes are still trying to push the illegitimate propaganda. reagan also set about to destroy worker's rights by undermining unions as a force for providing equality and bargaining rights for economic fairness to employment,
     The younger bush pushed us into a needless war based upon intentionally false information, That bush the younger allowed a booming economy to go into a great recession is fact and although there is blame to pass around the buck always ends with the president who had years to bring our economy back from the brink but didn't, Almost nothing any republican president has done since I have been alive is worthy of a progressive modern society. We are fools every time we elect a republican to public office and as such we are still fools for who we have leading all of our government now!

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