Thursday, October 12, 2017

When we hide knowledge from each other we harm all of us (#3177)

     Growing up I had to learn all I could from my own impetus because those around me weren't able to share what they knew with me, for whatever reason. Most likely because they didn't know themselves. Our society is terrible at passing along fundamentals and more complex formulas for all to know. We are expected to know most all out in the real world otherwise we get chewed up and spit out. Now the wealthy children have no such problem since their parents can spend their money to make sure their children have the knowledge they need to have a better life out in the real world. Non wealthy parents are not so fortunate in getting their children taught necessary knowledge and understanding.
     So like many of us who were not blessed with wealthy parents we struggled to learn on our own. Yet not having a guiding hand in many cases our self taught awareness often came up short. This is something I hate about capitalism, it encourages us to hide information and knowledgeable utility form ourselves so that a few can prosper at our inability to compete. It has been this way since time immemorial and it is one thing that must change if we are ever going to fully embrace our modern future. I know it is good to have market based economies that encourage the ideal of merit and innovation as incentives to achieve but if we are not able to allow all to know how to fully understand the process then we are harming ourselves by creating a class of citizen who has no future.
     This class of citizenry has already grown to about half our population since that many are now working around the range of poverty wages just to stay alive. We are better than this but unless we can see the problem for what it is and then find the strength to apply a workable solution then nothing will stop this poverty laden class of citizen that even I am part of from continuing to increase. The fault lies with making learning a scheme for profit. If we do not help our fellow human beings along in the knowledge attaining process we are ultimately joining in the advancement of our own species extinction. Yet the greedy powerful political ones will not care as long as they can make theirs and the hell with all the rest of us.

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