Monday, November 6, 2017

Republicans want the poor to just disappear (#3202)

     Republicans won't say it out loud or in other ways unless among themselves but they want the poor class to just die. For some immoral reason they think that the poor are worthless and just a drag on their lifestyle. They see the world as a big playground without the troubles of poverty or disease. They are furious at we Democrats for wanting to help all of life have a better one instead of thinking like them that only a few deserved ones should have a better life. We Democrats are for all the people while Republicans are just for the wealthy people. It is as simple as that so it makes me wonder why and how Republicans can garner enough support to be in charge?
     We the poor and not wealthy are by far the largest voting majority in our nation. Yet somehow the wealthy through Republicans have been able to manipulate our political process in ways that have given them the majorities in every branch of our government. Their ability to finagle our Democracy to the point of ruining our Democracy is anti American and treasonous. Yet they care not a wit about that because the ends justify the means with them. They would have us all gone who are not them no matter the means. You get that don't you? They have no allegiance to the principles and nobility of our democratic institutions. They only want their selfish desires and those desires are their highest priority.
     You cannot count on Republicans to have a worthy soul to do the right thing for America since doing the right thing is whatever satisfies their own agenda of greed, power and wealth. If somehow they do something for all Americans it is of a secondary concern since getting what they want will always be their first priority. If we the poor were not so abundant because of their greed they would not need to end us as an strategy for them. Yet that is the byproduct of their greed, more poor than necessary. So they will keep and grow their wealth while trying to find ways to end the rest of us in some fashion. What has always been their answer in the past was war but that is less likely now since the rest of the world for the most part has come to embrace peace. Republicans will try though and if decreasing Social Security and Medical coverage opportunities for us poor helps them kill off the poor among us then that will have to do for now!

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