Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Most of the wealthy are polluted souls (#3217)

     Maybe it is time for the pitchforks to come out. The constant greed of the wealthy, especially the worst of the wealthy, is mind numbing and painful to the American working middle poor class. Where these less than honorable souls get their constant need to hurt others is beyond me. Instead of being grateful for their "successes" they turn obnoxious. They are boors of the worst kind in that they like being boors. They feel like the world is their oyster to open and expose at their will no matter what happens to we the metaphorical oysters. They live in a condescending bubble that is without the struggle and plight of despair that they create. Instead of championing improvements in life for all who would try, they crush the souls of the rest of us as if we were an annoyance to their being.
     They don't equate that their good fortune is at the expense of all of us having a better chance for a better life. They can only see inwards toward their own desires and make decisions based upon their wants and needs. I keep saying this over and over and maybe someday everyone will understand this that there are finite sources of money and if the wealthy control most of the money then the overwhelming majority of the rest of us have less to spread out among ourselves. Which makes life miserable and chaotic for most of us especially the poor. I get that the wealthy deserve through merit and hard work the rewards in life for their successes, yet not at the expense of the rest of us who are working hard to just keep basic necessities within reach. The wealthy do not need to be super wealthy and there has to be a mechanism that caps the wealth that anyone or any corporation can obtain.
     There is too much wealth at the top where there are too few souls hoarding. The rest of us are fighting over table scraps and that is not how a healthy democracy survives. Because after a bit of time the rest of us see the necessity of demanding a more sensible economic distribution. The wealthy who deserve and have earned their fair share deserve rewards but not an endless amount. The rest of us deserve to have more than table scraps as a reward for hard work. Somewhere in there is the model of a solution but we are not there yet and until we are the wealthy need to be stopped from ending up with all the money and the rest of us ending up with even less than what we have now.

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