Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thankful for having a liberal progressive mind and heart (#3219)

     I am the best version I could ever be as far as trying to live a good honorable life. I do not accept the selfish bigoted view of conservatives who want what they want when they want it whether it is right or not. Their survival of the fittest mindset makes them think they can take without bearing any consequence of their taking. Well that is not me. I would rather do without even when it is mine to have if it gives someone else a more needed fulfillment. I do not see luxury or even beyond necessity as right for me when so many are just trying to survive. When children go without and feel the brunt of shame because of the hand me down clothes or the meager opportunities they can only muster. I do not blame the parents for the fate of their children I blame society for not giving the parents more opportunity to provide a more adequate upbringing for their children.
     Which is why I am thankful for being a liberal progressive. Because I see the path forward for a better society that annihilates the survival of the fittest selfishness and instead embraces a floor, beneath which no one may fall. From there we give opportunity to all and then allow for differences based upon creativity, innovation and merit. But first we must all have the beginning that is worthy of every human life. This is what I am thankful for because it takes those shameful moments of poverty and lack of opportunity and replaces them with an quality of life that leaves no one without the means nor opportunity to be the best version of who they are.
     The nuts and bolts of this ideal has to come from the considerations of many in order to get the most profound and efficient way for our society to treat each of us with the respect and dignity that we all need to begin with. Our society is built to include all of us otherwise what is the point of society? If all society is going to offer is only opportunity and respect for some through privilege and advantage then the ideal of cooperating in that society becomes disadvantageous to the many. So a rethinking to how we apply our society to all must evolve otherwise the society will fail. We are still in this discovery mode as to how to best formulate our society and when we all speak out about what the problems are and what solutions may be available we will then begin to grow our society to match the needs of our citizens while including us all with the best chance to be the best of who we can be.

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