Thursday, November 30, 2017

The all or nothing republican party (#3226)

     Using the reconciliation process to pass major legislation, like the current disingenuous tax bill, is the proof of the republican party's concept of "my way or no way at all". Reconciliation allows for the republicans to pass legislation through the senate with only 51 votes. In case of a tie, 50-50, the vice president gets to cast the tie breaker and since the vice president is a republican all the senate needs are 50 of the 52 republican senators to vote for the decimating tax bill for it to eventually go to trump. Instead of using a bipartisan approach on tax reform that makes good economic sense and does not destroy the working middle class recovery, republican have chosen to hurt the working middle poor class so that they can give the wealthy even more tax breaks they don't need.
     Income inequality between the wealthy and the non wealthy is enormous as it is but this tax bill by republicans will make the disparity even worse, We democrats can and do recognize that the tax code could use a refreshing and would have worked with republicans to modify some glaring problems within it. Yet no, republicans wanted more and the more is the great tax cut for the wealthy that they don't need but want anyway. So if it hasn't been obvious to you yet that the republican party represents the wealthy and not the working middle poor class then you have been living in an illusion. So since we American working middle poor class are the 95% majority in the United States it makes me wonder why we cannot nor will not support the democrats who are for the American working middle poor class?
     What I find is that many who still support republicans are hung up on social issues. They put their belief systems ahead of logic, education and science because they are afraid to learn the truth about all things real. The republican party takes advantage of that while also dividing us against each other with smoke and mirrors that play to our biases and prejudices. Using subjective emotional tactics republicans have effectively taken our objectivity and replaced it with a survival of the fittest, cause harm where it feeds your selfishness attitude philosophy. Even the religious community has now evolved into a sort of white supremacy platform that accepts the cruel brutish sins of their leaders over the morality of their non republican opponents.

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