Thursday, June 30, 2011

I get to hold myself accountable (#881)

I get to choose if I want to be an honorable man. No one else does this for me and no one else can make do this myself. I get to choose to do it all on my own. When I was younger and in a fog about how life worked, mainly because I was so disillusioned with most everything around me, I just let the flow of life go without caring what happened. Eventually though, the fog cleared up and the world started to make sense. Most everyone is doing what they think they need to do to survive and maybe prosper. People aren't consciously choosing to do the best for all of us, instead they are simply trying not to get left behind. I see this and understand it also, however, I also see the need to do more than just survive and not get left behind. I see the need for me to be an example as much as I can of how to lead. Yes lead. I do this by being accountable. My thoughts and actions have to be disciplined and focused toward the better and best of things. I must matter to myself in a way that reflects my hopes and dreams of a better life for all of us. I have wasted a good part of my life already being only concerned about myself and nothing much more. I cannot get that time back but I can make what time I have left of value. No one has to monitor my motivation, no one has to constantly remind me to keep focus on what I truly want. This comes from within me and is real. I am the master of my choices until I let them be taken from me by either physical cravings or outside mental persuasion. I am truly responsible for who I am today and I either can stand up and present myself as a worthy value or I can dismiss noble principles and go back to being just another entity of resource with little to no value. I have tried both and for me, the choice is one of maintaining and increasing virtue through living and reflecting a principled life that has a core value of being accountable.


Anonymous said...

I agree that is very difficult and exhausting at times to muster up the strength to stay on the draining task of doing whats right in a world of so many grey lines and temptations. Keeping your behavior on task is hard enough let alone keeping the people around you in check. I find it very difficult to lead by example but am quickly learning it is not only the best lesson in patience but also the best way to encourage. The silent kind of encouragement...thank for the reminder!!!!

Man of Hope said...

It is in the hard where we find value. Thank you!