Saturday, March 26, 2011

The better part of ourselves (#785)

My attitude of optimism has been an occasional topic for discussion, especially in the face of overwhelming evidence that suggests pessimism should be my outlook. Under normal circumstances that would be a valid point of contention. However, I choose to not let valid points of contention control my hopes and dreams. Obviously I am aware of the situations around me and their implications. I just choose to see beyond them and trust in the true nature of humanity. Even more than that I raise the spectre of reality to an alarm so that others may see that even in the worst of apprehensions, expectations and assumptions there is a value which can supersede them. A hope for the greatest of our wills to coalesce into a force of care and wonder that will defeat any and all odds when the nature of our lives, and highest principled ideals, are threatened. This inner resolve I have does not come from any one source but from many that have been achieved throughout history. It also comes from sublimity, a powerful peace that when all things are measured, the best of humanity will be displayed. This place of sublimity is within all of us and cannot be reached by fear. It is a place we have to find individually for ourselves. You will know it by the sheer humility of insight it provides. We humans are still the great undiscovered country. We have qualities about us we have yet to unveil, even to ourselves. It is curious to me, (lol. Of course) that others get glimpses of these qualities of ourselves that we have yet to understand. The absolute brilliance of humanity, human beings, is the greatest adventure we could ever take and yet never have to leave anywhere. It is also how I have come to become an optimist about the world around me even when reality suggests the opposite.

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