Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My memories (#760)

It is always great to look back on my life and see the good things that have happened. Certainly bad things have happened as well but not so bad that it disrupts the overall goodness of my life. My memories reflect back to me the way I have been, mostly kind and open to be friends with most anyone. I have had some loves that touched my heart and gave me a sense of worthiness. I have been a few places and done a few things that were awesome and exciting. Mostly though my life is just the day to day existence of doing what needs to be done as to routine and responsibilities. Within the structure of my normal processes are those moments when fate comes around to smile it's warmth on me. Those are the memories that matter. Those that require from me a value in return for nothing. When I have given of myself, I am eventually rewarded in some way that I remember, not always within the same circumstance but in a way that shows me that things do eventually come full circle. I have been the giver in these situations and the receiver. It is important to note that when an emotion for a thing or person is translated into and action, a feeling is established along with the memory. Do I want to have joy with my memories or some other less deserving emotion? It is with pleasure that I remember the best of what existence has for me when it comes my way. I prepare myself for it by trying to be the best human I can be. I never know when fate will smile it's warmth on me, but if I act and think like it will at all times, then when and if it does, I can live and remember the best parts of my life. My memories are really all I have that remind me of who I am. I want to be reminded that I was the me that I always hope to be.

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