Saturday, March 5, 2011

Where fear ends and courage begins (#764)

Fear has a place within our lives to serve as a caution when danger is eminent. It is a tool we should learn to value in situations where it is most applicable. To let it become a tool for areas of our lives that do not require it is not right thinking. Yes, thinking. I know that fear is an emotion but that is all it is. A reminder that something is uncomfortably felt, like being scared. Despite this "reminder", time still moves forward. We must condition our minds to move through fear as well. Just because we are afraid of something or someone, does not mean we cannot still take to an action beyond the fear. This is what is called courage. When you feel fear but still act in defiance of that fear, even if you endanger your own life, you are then in courage. This applies to the physical world and the thought world equally. It may seem that the physical world has a greater chance of destroying us but to give in to fear in our mental and reasoned world, destroys us in another way that makes physically dying attractive in contrast. When we bow down to fear we lose our identity and worth. We announce to no one in particular that we would rather live being subjected to others than to possibly die defending our rights as humans. When we feel fear we are but at the the crossroads, it is there that we can choose to leave fear and be courageous; or stand in fear and become a coward. Life has it's complications enough to allow us to become both in our lifetimes. I have examples in my life where I have been a coward and also courageous. I know more now than I did before and understand that I have a choice each and every time to choose my course of action. I understand that being afraid is just the place you are before you make a choice to either be cowardly or courageous.

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