Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The looming tax bill will undo the republican party (#3245)

     The republican party will not be able to run from this coming disaster of their own making. They see this tax giveaway to the wealthy as their great accomplishment, but the rest of us sane folks know it as a disaster for our national economy and a suffering burden placed on the heads of the vast majority of Americans in the working middle poor class. Much pain and despair will be brought about through this theft from our society that the very real anger and frustration the majority of Americans will feel will be aimed directly at the culprit republican party. A purging from politics will be the reckoning on the horizon for those republican politicians running for public office in 2018.
     Not only will republicans be thrown out of office come the next election but it will be en masse. A democratic wave election is now much more likely since this tax giveaway to the wealthy is no doubt sure to pass and be signed by trump this week most likely. The anger I feel just typing this is real and if anything like what I am seeing throughout social media it is not an anomaly. What could have been a wave large enough to take the majority in both houses of Congress is now starting to feel like a wholesale slaughter of republicans. If we keep this same momentum going it could well be a wave election that pushes our coming democratic majorities much higher than ever dreamed of just a few months ago. It seems that we cannot stop the horrendous tax giveaway to the rich that takes from the working middle poor class but what we can do is mitigate it starting on November 6th 2018.
     Yes in 2019 a new Congress will convene and a new budget will need to be passed that can reverse many of the worst parts of this current budget. Because we democrats will have the opportunity to pass a budget that interdicts many of the perks instilled within this current tax giveaway budget of the republicans. What I hope is even more significant is that if the Mueller investigation goes on for the next year we will be in position to elevate a democrat to the presidency in early 2019 if the allegations of treasonable actions by trump and pence are exposed as facts. What was a total disaster at the end of 2016 and even more so 2017, can be reversed now given the greed the republican party has shown and tried to implement. The giant democratic nature of America has been awakened and the dirty thieving cowards of the republican party will feel the wrath they have mistakenly underestimated from us.

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