Sunday, December 24, 2017

Yes I am optimistic that we will now survive trump (#3250)

     I know, how foolish of me to think we will survive trump. He has shown no ability to think critically and even worse he is a hot head. Which is a perfect recipe for causing a major war where nuclear weapons may well be involved. Yet I find that there is enough evidence of trump's inability to be rational that others who can will step in and stop any madness coming from the want to be king. We have enough alarmed republican lawmakers that despite their greed and disregard for the working middle poor class of Americans are worried about their own miserable hides. So if trump was going to set us off on a mission of no return he missed his window for doing so already.
     If he had done it by the first months of his petty administration he likely would have been able, but not now that we know his insecurities. So a deep breath of fresh air is in order. All trump can do now to us is make our lives miserable, which compared to being dead is an improvement. However, the making us miserable is his last hurrah because we are not dead we can still do something about him. We can obstruct his congress any way possible from incorporating, haha, his agenda while challenging his every move in court if necessary. We can protest and strike where needed to keep his agenda from moving forward. We must do so for at least until the next election and then we must be the ones who kill off any hope republicans have of maintaining their majority in congress.
     So I am optimistic that not only will we not all be killed by trump's stupidity nor will we be punished as bad as he wants us punished. We can make trump fear us by continuing to confront him with facts and proofs while also exposing the intent of his lies. As long as his poll numbers continue to stay low and we keep registering more and more new voters the die will be cast for a tsunami level democratic wave come November 6th, 2018. There are some more small elections between now and then and if the margins of the vote continue to trend toward democrats the time it takes us to get to November will not be as much a factor. I am optimistic that trump will lose his congress and then he will, barring action from Mueller, be subject to impeachment, as he richly deserves.

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