Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Revolt if Mueller is fired! (#3232)

     I cannot say this in strong enough terms. If trump fires Mueller we all must take to the streets and force trump out! I don't care if we have to sacrifice our work and pleasure to make our point but we must not let trump steal our democracy and avoid the criminal acts he has committed. There is only one way we are going to get at the truth of things and that is with the Mueller investigation. We cannot count on the republicans who have the majorities in the House and Senate to do the right thing and hold trump accountable. The republican party has already shown that they would rather elect a pedophile to high office instead of having moral convictions. They will not impeach trump as long as he continues to support their agenda of destroying the middle class.
     We each must look inside ourselves and determine just how much our democracy is worth to us. If it is just trivial to you then do as you will. But I warn you that democracy is much better than an authoritarian regime like what will happen if trump is able to fire Mueller without a backlash from we the electorate. If you do hold democracy dear then you have no other choice but to join the rest of us in the streets demanding that trump be removed from office. If we allow trump to fire the man who is investigating him for malfeasance of the highest order then we are allowing trump to dictate the terms of who gets justice and who doesn't. Much like dictating things is the provenance of dictators.
     Many of us have taken democracy for granted and even now while it is under attack it is hard for our minds to wrap around the idea that American citizens would be out to destroy our national sacred trust. Yet we had better wrap our minds around it because it is happening right now! So the sooner we all get on the same page and protect that which we need to have equality and fairness in our society the better chance we will actually be able to save it. Time is running short on trump now so him firing Mueller is a very real possibility. If he does we need to be prepared to go to all lengths to stop trump from securing a power base within our government and making it into the form he desires with his little demented demigod mind. That trump must be made to face the consequences of his crimes is crucial and allowing him to thwart those consequences is what he will get if he fires Mueller and we do nothing about it!

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