Saturday, December 2, 2017

We are not we the people anymore, we are we the sheeple! (#3228)

     If there was any doubt left after last night's vote to strip the rights and economic protections from the vast majority of the working middle poor class, then those doubts have been shattered. We now know that the republican party doesn't care for 98% of the American populace. That tax giveaway to the wealthy and middle poor class ripoff bill that the senate passed with only republican votes shows us unequivocally that we, the nearly whole of the American electorate are not being represented by our elected republican officials, but instead they are only representing the wealthy. So the slogan of we the people so absolutely enshrined in the preamble of our American Constitution is now we the sheeple who will be told what we can do by those whom we elected.
     Consider that for a moment please. Our elected officials who are supposed to represent our prerogatives are telling us that we don't matter and that they somehow are magically gifted to know what is best for us. Do you understand what is happening and that we are now under the control of those we elected to represent our wants and needs? It is as if we hired someone to do a job for us and they said in return no, you do what I want you to do! Instead of being beholden to the voters the republicans are only beholden to the wealthy. If we as a nation cannot find it within us to shout at the top of our lungs and mobilize our feet to action that this will not be tolerated then they will continue to grow in power to the point where we will not even be considered when republicans force their power beyond our democratic structure.
     A coup was performed last night by republican senators to our process for advancing democracy in our nation and for us to just sit back feeling hurt without doing anything about it will only empower them to do worse for us and more for their wealthy base. The time is right now for us to stop what little trivial thing we are doing and focus on disrupting, protesting and obstructing every step the republican party hopes to take going forward. There cannot be any mercy for them in the form of compromise nor collegial association. They have shown their stripes and those stripes are earned on the backs of the American middle poor class. If we do not focus our attention and put up our fists and prepare to defend our way of life then it will be taken from us despite all the shock of what is happening and the incredulity that it is actually real.

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