Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The awakening against trump (#3357)

     For all his defiant denials trump is beginning to slip in his previous support. Not in a significant way that would be all too deserving but in the middle where he had been given the benefit of the doubt. That middle was the key to him gaining enough votes in key states for him to be appointed president by the electoral college despite him losing the popular vote by nearly 3 million. Well trump has taken that "gift" and spit on the ones who gave it to them. But to his credit he knew most of them would accept his spitting on them with a shrug. Well that time has come to pass. The middle no longer accepts his disdain and dishonesty as they are being confronted with the incontrovertible evidence of too many legitimate allegations.
     In my experience it would take trump being caught in an act of treason to pry him from his core base but then again with mounting evidence he was a traitor his base is still behind him so I would be dead wrong on my experience as providing an accurate logical deduction based upon previous history. Either way though, trump is left with too few and too radical of a base for him to parlay it into anything further going forward. We are only nearly 2 years into his 4 year term so we may have to weather his democracy destroying ambitions for a bit longer. However, given the midterms and the democratic blue coming he won't have a bunch of cowardly republicans as a majority to serve him as a colluder does.
     It is heartening that with each special election we are seeing a changing of the guard in the state houses away from republican ideology especially coming from the deepest of red republican states. The end is coming for trump despite if he survives Mueller because he won't have any majority in Congress to fall back on. I am so proud of the effort by our democratic party in not succumbing to the mind numbing, gut punch that was November 8th, 2016. Instead we caught our breath and reinvigorated our minds and hearts to fight with all we have using truth and logic to expose the trump and republican agenda to kill our democracy and steal the legacy of our massive majority working middle poor class. Our awakening together will be the tsunami that is the blue wave come November 6th 2018 and beyond and there is absolutely nothing trump can do to take that from us!

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