Sunday, April 1, 2018

Irrelevance has no place in our dialogues (#3348)

     Those who are fringe personalities seem to be the ones who spend the most time saying controversial things in order to bolster their image. The old saying of bad press is still good press is their intent. Well I am sick and tired of what some never was has been says about what is important to me. First off they get wrong what is important to me and second off they are so clueless that anything they do say is a waste of time even hearing or reading. What is even more galling is that their illogic gets disseminated out and others comment on it from other forums. It is like a bad virus being spread wherever we let it. Well enough of it already.
     If I need expert advice from a sought out expert then that is what I do. I don't listen to some garbage mouthed neanderthal tell me about how I should live my life or what my honorable principles should be. If anything doing the exact opposite of their ramblings would be closer to what I hold dear than anything they directly say. So why should we give them the space to breathe out their bile? We shouldn't and instead just avoid them like we do to potholes when we are driving. Nothing good can come of entertaining them. Irrelevance is uninformed bias and prejudice as a strategy. Remember that! Anyone who makes no sense in their demands of us should get nothing from us in return except our consternation from them wasting our valuable time.
     It is hard enough convincing people who have open minds of new and difficult at times paradigms so when the irrelevant stick their noses in it makes our learning comprehensive understandings that much more difficult. We have to wean any and all who are less than expert or those who keep giving unsolicited advice from clogging up our forums for narrations. We liberal progressives want an intelligent evolving society that captures innovation and technology while continually honoring the diversity and equality of our magnificent democratic experiment. The worthlessness of the irrelevant is never going to be sufficient to require our attentions so let's stop giving it to them!

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