Saturday, March 31, 2018

3 months down 7 to go (#3347)

     7 months until the next midterm election. As trump and republicans keep being the despicable things that they are the continuing bluewave will maintain its momentum. Normally I am concerned that we democrats would peak too soon before the next election but in the strange circumstances of this current republican rule the normal does not apply. As we have seen with the special elections to date, the anger against republicans and the enthusiasm for democrats is not waning. In fact it seems that the momentum of our blue wave election continues to grow. The republican party thinks they have done enough digging to find treasure to help them win the midterms but what in reality they have done is dig their own graves.
     The republican party lied to its base back in November 2016 and the lies have not been swept under the rug. Moreso the lies that they told are coming full circle on them and will be hung around their necks in 7 months. The only significant thing that republicans pushed through into law was their massive tax break for the wealthy. Well surely there are many wealthy that benefited from the tax break but the working middle poor class that helped elect trump and republicans in Congress got virtually nothing from the tax break. Instead what they got were other policies aimed at destroying their livelihoods and reducing their incomes.
     So it is with great anticipation that I see the blue wave continuing to grow as more and more people realize they have been hoodwinked by the republican party. This could have been a blockbuster voting year for republicans given their majorities and their wealthy donors willing to spend on them but the illusion that republicans have been wearing as masks have finally been exposed. So instead of a republican party building on it's majorities they are about to not only lose them but lose them in a crushing way. The idea that if we survive trump and get our democracy back in at least November 2020 with a democratic president the presidency handed to trump will, as a silver lining, have solidified the democratic resistance to him and his colluding cowardly republican party. 7 months to go until the reclamation of intellectualism and compassion return to leadership of the American experiment.

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