Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The blue wave continues... (#3337)

     In Illinois last night for a primary election over 1.9 million folks showed up to vote, Over 1.2 million of those were democrats. In 2014, only 1.4 million folks showed up to vote in that primary so the increase has come from a surge in democratic voter participation, This is not a Tsunami type wave from last night as many young folks remain skeptical of the two opposing wealthy candidates that won their primary elections for governor, but it still shows that even with the high dollar campaigns disturbing many, the voter turnout increased dramatically from the last Illinois gubernatorial race in 2014.
     So despite the myriad ways to nuance all that is wrong in today's politics the fact remains that the democratic party is showing up to vote in increasing numbers. It is also clear that the republican party is in danger of losing much more of its current power if this trend toward democratic candidates continues. As again last night is showing, the trend has not stopped! It is only late March but this tidal wave that has been growing since the appointment of trump is not relenting. Much like the resolve of we who are not going to allow the trumps of the world to dictate to us that our democracy is of little consequence to them.
     As each new opportunity for a vote to occur during the special election season we democrats are showing the world and ourselves that we may not be in perfect alignment with all our policies we are surely in perfect alignment with ousting republicans everywhere they hold office. This retribution against them is their cost for not representing the hopes and dreams of we the working middle poor class. They have chosen a side of our society that is wealthy and small. So although republicans have lots of money they have few voters who are helped with their representation. Money can buy a lot of advertising for republicans that tries to control the social and political narrative but we democrats see through the corruption of republicans and no amount of money will hide their shame and their undoing come election days.

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