Saturday, March 3, 2018

The republican party is trying to turn us against each other (#3319)

     I heard someone say that many of the poor people they are around don't speak English and that troubled them. This person felt like he should get a government benefit just for speaking English. I thought about how I felt about that it it got me riled up. First off many people from different countries are not able to assimilate English in the first generation. It usually takes the second generation to get more comfortable with the complexity of American english. Second it reminded me of how republicans like to turn us against ourselves by playing on our prejudices. Yes, in this case it was a prejudice against others because this person couldn't understand the language being spoken around them when he felt it should have been English.
     This is exactly how republicans turn the narrative from them being complete assholes to pointing fingers at us and saying those people aren't "true" Americans. They do this through their unlimited funds used to advertise on television and radio to manipulate a trumped up hatred. What I always do is, if a conversation or advertisement in any way disparages one group of people over another I automatically tune it out or call it out, depending on the circumstance. When normally good democratic folks find an animus toward other good democratic folk it is most often the work of a republican strategy. The key to remember is that there would otherwise be plenty of money in our society for all of us to earn and share if it were not for republicans.
     When all the money is going to the top wealthy it leaves very little left for the rest of us and is a perfect feeding ground for republicans to employ a strategy aimed at blaming one group over another. The despicableness of the republican agenda to deny most of us resources and then blaming one group or another within our poverty for the poverty. It will always be republicans and their wealthy donors who are making life miserable for the most of us and falling for their ages old trick to blame us for our own misery is face punch material. In a perfect world there would be no republicans. Does that help make you understand that we will never get anywhere near reasonably perfect as long as there is a republican in power?

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