Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The end of trump is getting closer and closer (#3343)

     The nightmare will soon be over and a new day will dawn where we all can breathe a little bit easier. The days of trump and his hellacious agenda is about to run out. Sure we still have many months left short of Mueller coming about sooner than later but for the most part we have weathered the trump shit storm. How trump could be so devastating to many 10's of millions of his co citizens is one dishonorable era for the infamy book. He had a chance to start his less than legitimate presidency with an opportunity to fight the good fight for all Americans but instead he choose to fight for bigamy, misogyny, prejudice and hatred aimed at the working middle poor class.
     His love for himself and his deviant desires along with his unholy alliances with foreign and domestic profiteers is his calling card. He believes he is above the law and the rest of us are his property. While he continues to boast of his imaginary accomplishments and blames everyone else for his real faults, the clock has been ticking down on him and his lackeys who have the majority power in Congress for now. Not only is trump unwittingly devising his own downfall but he is dragging his weak complicit republican party down with him. In what should have been an easy walk to keep the majority in the House and increase their seats in the Senate has now become like the metaphor snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
     The republican party should have had a great advantage for winning extra seats going into this years Senate races but now that the blue wave has built itself into a majestic tsunami, republicans are in real danger of losing seats in the Senate this term. Not only that but the healthy majority that republicans have had for several election cycles in the House is about to end not only with losing their majority but of losing by a large margin. All told we are on the downside of what could have been much worse for the American people. Our democratic party resurgence will keep the republican wolves at bay for what is left of this years republican agenda and then come November we the American people will begin to bury the trumps and their surrogates with a force that will overpower what is left of the trump destructive fumblings.

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